
Horizontal, vertical or diagonal: When planning façades, PREFA sidings allow you to think in all directions.

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PREFA façade sidings are classic elements of both traditional and modern façade design. These high-grade aluminium façade panels can be installed vertically, horizontally or even diagonally, and take the form of a non-bearing, rear-ventilated façade. This means that there is space for air to circulate between the supporting structure and the PREFA aluminium façade.

Detailansicht der PREFA Siding Fassade in Eige Beige Grau mit Fugen

The benefits of PREFA sidings

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Weather-resistant and corrosion-free façade system

with a 40-year material guarantee – no time-consuming paint top-ups required

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Rear-ventilated façade

No condensation, no heat build-up

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Available in many standard colours

and lengths from 500 to 6,200 mm

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Wide variety of design options

thanks to the combination of different widths, lengths, colours and joints, along with diagonal, vertical or horizontal installation and different surface finishes: smooth, stucco or lined

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Weather-resistant and corrosion-free façade system

with a 40-year material guarantee – no time-consuming paint top-ups required

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Rear-ventilated façade

No condensation, no heat build-up

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Available in many standard colours

and lengths from 500 to 6,200 mm

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Wide variety of design options

thanks to the combination of different widths, lengths, colours and joints, along with diagonal, vertical or horizontal installation and different surface finishes: smooth, stucco or lined

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Attractive, seamless transitions

with practical corner sidings (for widths of 138 mm and 200 mm)

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Durable construction

thanks to the concealed fastening

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Fire class “A1” and fire class "A2-s1, d0" for walnut, grey oak and natural oak (according to EN-13501-1)

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Can be recycled an unlimited number of times without any drop in quality

Easy to sort into separate material types for recycling

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Attractive, seamless transitions

with practical corner sidings (for widths of 138 mm and 200 mm)

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Durable construction

thanks to the concealed fastening

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Fire class “A1” and fire class "A2-s1, d0" for walnut, grey oak and natural oak (according to EN-13501-1)

Icon for advantages

Can be recycled an unlimited number of times without any drop in quality

Easy to sort into separate material types for recycling

Design options with PREFA sidings

With the PREFA siding façade, you can put together your own personalised façade solution. Choose from different widths: 138 mm, 200 mm, 300 mm, 400 mm, 500 mm or 600 mm, and a range of surface textures: smooth, stucco or lined. With a range of 21 colours at your disposal, you can choose the perfect shade for your PREFA sidings. (Please note the standard colours for the various widths. For more information, please refer to the colour chart.) And the possibilities don't stop there: you can choose from different lengths (500 to 6,200 mm) and decide whether you want standard or shadow gaps. By choosing how you want to combine all these different options, you can create your own personalised house façade. 

The sidings are fastened indirectly using the tried-and-tested tongue and groove system – this is a concealed fastening with no visible bolts or rivets, and is a popular alternative to the click-in system. 

It is also important to note that the aluminium Siding façade profiles are classified as non-flammable as per standard EN 13501-1. They satisfy the requirements of fire class “A1” as well as fire class "A2-s1, d0" for walnut, grey oak and natural oak.

Are you looking for a long-lasting wood-effect façade that doesn't require painting? If so, you'll love the easy-care aluminium sidings in the colours “walnut”, “grey oak” and “natural oak”. 

Illustration of sidings in light wood (wood effect) with the PREFA gap and shadow gap.

Difference between gap and shadow gap

The large-format sidings 500 and 600 from PREFA are exactly the right cladding material when it comes to large areas such as walls of large buildings in the industrial sector. Thanks to the larger construction widths, hundreds of square metres of façade are covered safely and well protected in the shortest possible time.

Even in commercial and industrial construction, appearances matter. After all, architects and clients also want to clad commercial buildings beautifully as well as robustly: This is why the larger widths of sidings 500 and 600 are also an advantage for the appearance of façades. The eye is oriented towards proportions, thus larger elements are also required for larger areas.

The image shows different construction widths (138, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600) of PREFA sidings in different colours.

With two new sizes (500 and 600 mm), we offer even more variety in terms of width. The new widths of PREFA sidings are available in a variety of popular colours.

Perforated siding – versatile design options

The perforated sidings are a versatile design element in the façade area. They offer different possible applications: whether for enclosures on flat roofs, privacy protection for staircases and multi-storey car parks or for covering window openings.

The façade panels from PREFA, siding, are now also available in perforated versions, sand-brown perforated elements are combined with grey panels here.

Color overview (22)

PREFA siding is available in the following colours and widths:




138 × 0,70 mm

200 × 1,00 mm

300/400 × 1,20 mm

500/600 × 1,50 mm

01 Braun

P.10 brown


02 Anthrazit

P.10 anthracite


03 Schwarz

P.10 black


04 Ziegelrot

P.10 brick red


05 Oxydrot

P.10 oxide red


06 Moosgrün

P.10 moss green


07 Hellgrau

P.10 light grey


10 Prefaweiß

P.10 prefa white


11 Nussbraun

P.10 nut brown


12 Silbermetallic

metallic silver


17 Reinweiß

P.10 pure white


PREFA dunkelgrau ähnlich DB 703 oder RAL 7043

P.10 dark grey


20 Rauchsilber

smoke silver


23 Schwarzgrau

black grey


P.10 prefa bronze


38 Walnuss braun



39 Eiche Beige Grau

grey oak


40 Eiche natur

natural oak


42 Sandbraun

P.10 sand brown


43 Steingrau

P.10 stone grey


45 Bronze



47 Patina grau

patina grey



  • The RAL values stated are merely approximate values (~), some of which may differ vastly from the original PREFA color and, under certain circumstances, may not reflect the subjective perception of the color. 
  • Above all for color quality P.10, it is almost impossible to define values due to the surface structure. In addition, the PREFA Siding colours P.10 stone grey, P.10 sand brown, P.10 patina green, natural oak, patina grey, walnut and grey oak are based on natural colours made up of several different shades.
  • Coils and metal sheets plain aluminium: The guarantee does not cover surface appearance alterations caused by processing and environmental influences. Follow the instructions.
  • Metallic colors may vary in shade.
  • To identify exact colors for complementary components please consult original samples.

Siding façade — Technical information


Coil coating 

Standard material:

0.7 × 138 mm (thickness/visible side), stucco, lined with shadow gap option (also smooth for P.10)
1.0 × 200 mm (thickness/visible side), smooth, lined or stucco, with shadow gap option
1.2 × 300 mm (thickness/visible side), smooth, with shadow gap option
1.2 × 400 mm (thickness/visible side), smooth, with shadow gap option (installation with storm-proof clip)
1.5 × 500 mm (thickness/visible side), smooth, with shadow gap option (installation with storm-proof clip)
1.5 × 600 mm (thickness/visible side), smooth, with shadow gap option (installation with storm-proof clip)

special visible widths (120 to 400 mm) upon request

Shadow gap:

Available with or without shadow gap

Shadow gap 15 mm wide

If a shadow gap is used, it is also possible to use a PREFA gap.


Approx. 3.30–5,14 kg/m² depending on the width

Length (138, 200, 300, 400):

500–2,500 mm for all visible widths (with PREFA joint)

500–6,200 mm for all visible widths (without PREFA joint)

Length (500, 600):

700–2,500 mm for all widths when using the PREFA gap

700–6,200 mm for all widths without using the PREFA gap


Horizontal, vertical and diagonal

Concealed fastening (tongue and groove System)


Timber or metal substructure


screwed to the aluminium, steel or timber supporting sub-structure
fasteners: 6–9 pc./m²
PREFA storm-proof clip required for 400×1.2 mm, 500×1.5 mm 
und 600×1.5 mm

Siding — Planning and installation

More product information is available for download here.

Note: Download DWG and DXF format files by right-clicking and selecting “Save link as”.


Joint for Siding without shadow gap

138, 200, 300, 400; for use with sidings without a shadow gap; joint width 15 mm; max. siding length 2.500 mm

Joint for Siding with shadow gap

138, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600; for use with sidings featuring a shadow gap; joint width 15 mm; max. siding length 2.500 mm

Corner siding

138, 200; 500 mm side length on both sides (inside dimension), 521 mm side length on both sides (external dimension)

Joint connector

PREFA design wave (transverse, 5 mm), for PREFA drip

Patent rivet for siding complementary coil

aluminium with stainless steel pin

Fastener (aluminium screw)

Special screw for aluminium substructures, with hardened drill point (red tip for illustration only)

Fastener (steel screw)

Special screw for steel substructures, with hardened drill point (red tip for illustration only)

Fasteners (timber construction screw)

for fastening sidings to timber supporting substrates

Mounting hole cover

for covering bore holes and small repairs

Zusätzliche Befestigung für Siding.X und Siding 400

Storm-proof clip for Siding.X and Siding 400


Zusätzliche Befestigung für Siding 500 und 600

Storm-proof clip for Siding 500 and 600


Die PREFA Montagehilfe für Sturmsicherungsclip 1,2 mm für Sidings mit zusätzlichen Positionierlaschen.

Storm-proof clip mounting aid 1.2 mm

material: stainless steel and plastic

Die PREFA Montagehilfe für Sturmsicherungsclip 1,5 mm für Sidings mit zusätzlichen Positionierlaschen.

Storm-proof clip mounting aid 1.5 mm

material: stainless steel and plastic